Slip Purlwise With Yarn In Front (Slwyif)


Slipped stitches in knitting are worked for a variety of reasons from setting up for a decrease to creating decorative patterns that look like weaving. They can be used to create faux icord edges or elongate stitches to give them more definition.

Slipping a stitch purlwise means that the stitch is moved over to the next needle without working it and the stitch is remaining in the same orientation as it was on the previous needle. Slipping a stitch knitwise does the opposite and reverses the orientation of the stitch which can set up for a twisted stitch.

With yarn in front or with yarn in back tells where the yarn will be carried across the slipped stitch. Front and back are directional in relation to your knitting position (in front of or in back of the needles), rather than the right side and wrong side of the work.

How To

Western Method

  1. Bring yarn to front of the needles as if to set up to purl.
  2. Slip the next stitch from the left to the right needle by inserting the right needle from back to front through the leading leg / front loop and sliding it over to the right needle without pulling a new loop through.
  3. Return the working yarn to wherever it needs to be to work the next stitch.
Tutorial Video